
devoted wedding logo
All new packages contain a 30 day Free trial period. You can cancel at any time.
Company Name + Logo
Image Banner
Business Description
Review system
Link to your website
Social Media Links
3 Category Choices
36 Photos
4 Specials/Discounts
6 Videos
Contact Form
Wedding Tip Submission
Suggested Vendor Placement
Blog Feature
Blog Banner Ad
Pros We Love Page Listing with personalized video
Monthly Email Blasts
Social Media Interview
Placement above previous packages

Company Name + Logo
Image Banner
Business Description
Review system
Link to your website
Social Media Links
3 Category Choices
24 Photos
3 Specials/Discounts
4 Videos
Contact Form
Wedding Tip Submission
Suggested Vendor Placement
Blog Feature
Blog Banner Ad
Placement above previous packages

Company Name + Logo
Image Banner
Business Description
Review system
Link to your website
Social Media Links
2 Category Choices
12 Photos
2 Specials/Discounts
2 Videos
Contact Form
Wedding Tip Submission
Suggested Vendor Placement
Blog Feature
Placement above previous packages

Company Name + Logo
Image Banner
Business Description
Review system
Link to your website
Social Media Links
6 Photos
1 Specials/Discount
1 Video
Contact Form
Wedding Tip Submission
Placement above previous packages

Company Name + Logo
Image Banner
Business Description

Account Details

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Your Last Name is required
Your Business Name is required
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