Had a chance to get a pineapple upside cake at the Norman farmers market yesterday and when I say Wow! So good. Will be getting more next time I’m able to make it.
I don't know what she does or how she does it, but this woman's desserts are magic! I can never get past her chocolate cake and I love when I get to try new flavors. today for the first time I tried her yeast cinnamon rolls and they are to die for. my husband raved, and he doesn't even like cinnamon rolls. they are light and fluffy and completely delicious. reheated them up with a pad of butter for 45 seconds in the microwave and enjoyed with coffee. I'm had her cakes, cookies, breads, and now cinnamon rolls. she's the reason I have to work out extra at the y, but it's totally worth it. 100% recommend. My husband and I are addicted.