Send-Off Ideas For Your Wedding Day

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Imagine, you married the man of your dreams, the reception is where you always wanted it to be , the first dance was a dream, now it’s time for you to live happily ever after. How are you going to make your send off end your wedding day so it’s even more unforgettable?

Listed below are some fun and exciting send off ideas to use at your Wedding!

Walkway of Candles
This will definitely create an ambiance like you’re being sent off from your wedding and walking into your next chapter in life. The lighting will even be perfect for your photographer to capture the moment. You can make this even more special by having flower petals surrounding your walkway and candles. This is an artsy and cute way to create a glowing aisle as the couple enters the next chapter of their lives!

Release Balloons
This is such an uplifting moment , especially for a daytime wedding. Don’t forget about the environment, you can purchase biodegradable balloons online to make it environmentally friendly . All the guests can also attach their hopes and wishes for the couple and at the end of the reception everyone can go outside and release the notes and balloons as the couple is being sent off!

Release Sky Lanterns
Are those stars in the sky? No, they’re Sky Lanterns! This is a particularly good idea if you are planning on having an outdoor or evening reception. You can have your guest involved by giving them each a lantern to launch themselves. Light up the night sky with gorgeous lanterns and make a fantastic send-off that you and your guests will never forget! This will be another amazing photography moment for your photographer at your wedding to capture.

Now here is something that will definitely go off with a bang, literally. Nothing says celebrate like a good fireworks show. All of your guests can gather outside for a fabulous show of fireworks before you leave. It’s also a great option for evening weddings. It will be a great conclusion to a wonderful wedding and a great start to a new journey perfect for your photographer to capture this huge, cinematic, romantic moment between the new couple!

Want to leave your wedding without worrying about unnecessary cleanup? Then bubbles are the perfect match for you. You can bubble your way to your happily ever after at dusk or at night with glow-in the dark bubbles. Each guest can be granted a bottle of bubbles when they arrive at the reception or ceremony. Then as the couple departs the air can be filled with hundreds of tiny little bubbles!

Confetti Poppers
This is a cute and celebratory way to send off the happy couple! The guest can pop the mini confetti cannons and the couple can be sent off in a sea of rainbow specks and sounds of excitement! Just make sure if your venue requires you to pick up any send-off items. You don’t want your guest cleaning up after the end of the night!

Some venues are not open to anything involving flames , but you still want your send-off to have stunning visuals? Sparkles are a classic and beautiful way to send the merry couple onto the next adventure! All the guests will enjoy spelling words and making shapes with the beautiful sparks!